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Chapter 8 - Gone With The Wind

General / 10 January 2020

Calling It Quits

My heart died a few months ago and  the spirit who was pushing me to keep running day by day this digital sculpt project also left me too, so the result of it is me calling it quits, dropping this daily project behind to close this chapter.

A secondary reason to walk away from this is that Ramona (my laptop) is getting old and a bit slower everyday, the processor is not the same anymore and the hardware performance has been decreasing bit a bit over time and I'm in a level that I want to reach ultra detailed texture, build whole scenarios and stuff like that but Ramona (so yes I humanized my laptop) can't handle all of that without falling short and crash down.

So this is my last render from this serie that took my life over 161 days.

Learning and Lessons.

Just tons of it, not only technically and theoretically, personal too because this side of the digital art is hugely competitive and deeply filled with technique and procedures, new advances everyday that can overwhelm you, I used Zbrush (an out of this world software with unique qualities) in this whole trajectory and I can't find peace seen all of those buttons but at least I know what can make everyone of them, but to not separate myself from the topic, the main purpose of this small blog is to talk about the 3D way specially in the concept art world in a very personal perspective, as life 3D world can be filled of so many obstacles, difficulties, challenges, so many things that can drown your innocent feeling of just create art or build something new. For me was incredible not only my professional skills where forged, my personal too in the way that I need to always try over and over again, wasted time is never found again but you can always try until you fulfill what you are looking for. I'm checking my first day of this self-challenge (that should be called "Ten Ways To Use Zbrush if You Are A Writer" or something like that) and there was so many insecure shapes all over that sculpt and then I compare it with my latest upload like day_158, day_159 day_160 and day_161 and there is a huge progress in just a few months when it all started sometimes I can't believe how far passion can take us doing something we love, I'm falling short but the main idea to show something new and express the stories I create in the back of my head remained perfectly fine, so that pushed me way further to learn more and more to depict in a fantastic way what I'm thinking when I create those sculpts or concepts from scratch and for sure I won't repeat the same mistake I made in this short journey because that's the point in all of this to learn and improve.

I don't know if I'll return to do it again someday but there is a bit of hope inside of me beside this simulated battlefield that we call life.

Thanks to those who read this blog bravely and constantly,

Til next story.


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161 days was not enough.