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Beware Of Scam - Episode 2

General / 11 December 2020

Hello fellows and good followers of my profile here in AS.

I'm back after some long time and I have been busy working as freelancer and doing a lot of commissions but again something very interesting happened to me the last week that for sure have happen to a lot of artist and job hunters around the web.

The Story Behind.

I'll try to be short, so next image will explain my point a little bit faster.

An email arrived to my me like a week ago, telling me that a famous company saw my profile in ArtStation and they where very interested in getting me in some kind of online interview, so my reaction was very skeptic because a good/solid company doesn't invest time telling you that they want to do on you an interview at first sight through some web page and also they sent me nickname that I needed to add in the Telegram App to be interviewed by the recruiter and that's way weird too but let's see the email.

This Was Easy. 

Due to my small knowledge so far in the digital art world I knew at first sight this was an scam but check this out.

Compare the first concept with the email, is a simple copy paste and the amount they where about to pay at first sight was too high too and some other small pieces of lies I found on the email but my point is, every time you receive a suspicious email check out the information of the company, check on WikiPedia, check in a real web page from the same company.

So I went to Cyan's main page and I found this:

And I need to add that I have been seen another testimonies about been scam by ghost companies using another brands name to scam people.

But if you don't know nothing and it seems to good to be true please always, always, always and always double or triple check all the information because a lot of good artist has been scammed by this people.

But I went a little bit far away this time and I started to play with the writer of that email and this was what happen.

I added them on Telegram and started to pretend that I was impressed and amazed by their pick up on my profile and to be really short after making me like three or two questions about my career they ended up accepting me as "Senior Game Designer" and that was a huge sign that there was an scam going on and to finish the topic with a huge dramatic change they told me that to send my address and my personal info written in a bank account check in a picture so they can "send" me money to buy a new equipment like a Macbook and a perpetual license of Maya and Zbrush but I told to the "guy" that I already have one but he told something like this "no worries buy another one"

To end this a lot of artist have been receiving fake emails from Blizzard, Irrational Games, Ubisoft, Re-spawn Games and so on and so on and so on and sadly they get hacked, they get scammed.

Dear fellows be careful and if some of you can share this post will be great because we don't need to wait that the thing happen to us to believe and sharing this message will help newly artist to battle against this.

Thanks a lot for you all to read this and for share this.